Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Scraping, streaking, and stuff

As you know, I've had calf/feet/ankle issues in the past. I was dealing with a sore right fascia (bottom of the foot) and ankle. So last week or so I got out my body butter and scraper (spatula). I've been scraping both legs below the knee on a near-daily basis. It's amazing how much it helps. While true that it's not the most pleasant thing to do to oneself, it is way better when I do it than when I had a physical therapist grinding away. Egads, that was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. But... it seems to work. We also ordered a Theragun this week, so I will likely be adding that to the arsenal.

You may have guessed this means the running streak is still alive and well. I was going to stop on March 11, which would have made it 4 months since I started running every day. Then I thought maybe I would wait at least until Spring, so I could say I ran outside every day (except one) through the Winter. At this point it's about the only thing I feel confident that I can do, so I hate to stop now. We'll just have to see.

I had forgotten how, when I lost my sh*t at work 10 days or so ago, how my neck, shoulders, and back hurt so bad. I could barely bend my chin down toward my chest. I was tense! (It finally went away around last Thursday). And when I went berserk with my boss... at one point I recall asking what she wanted from me. She said something like, "I want you to be happy!" Which not only seemed a bit odd, but that's stuff... I'm not sure how to get across to someone... I mean, doesn't everybody know that workers want to feel appreciated, and feel like what they do has some value? Sometimes I think people go out of their way to insure the exact opposite! But... enough about that. I honestly had glossed over a lot of what happened before I had to take this unpaid leave. Much of it is better left unsaid.

So, there ya have it. Scraping, streaking and stuff. And who knew scraping my own legs would be the most satisfying thing in my life right now...


"I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'" - Psalm 91:2

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