Monday, April 04, 2022

First double-digit run of the year

I ran 10 miles this past Friday. It was my first double-digit run of the year. It went okay. I took my time and averaged around a 10:30 mile pace (which was maybe a little faster than I intended, but okay).

For one of the few times since last fall I managed to go from our house down to the greenway and finally get through the low stretch along the river just north of the Lower Huntington bridge. Seems it's been under water forever. I did have to go through some mud up the bank at the lowest spot where there was still water on the trail, but otherwise it wasn't too bad. Headed up to Foster Park, made two loops around (with the extension), and back home. It was about 10.7 miles altogether.

Around mile 6 I felt really good and sort of unconsciously sped up. I was fairly quick to slow myself down though. I intentionally want to do these longer runs at a slower pace.

There are days when I think maybe I should work on speed. I'm sure I could run faster. It's just... I don't know... why? Sometimes I'll run a few miles at a 9:00-minute pace, but mostly I'm just a jogger. 10-minute miles seems about perfect for me. I am at a point where I don't care how fast I am, I simply want to enjoy being out on my feet.

Anyway, this week my long run is just a 10k. I'm kind of glad. The next two weeks will be 11 and then 12 miles before I taper for the April 30 half marathon. 

My currently daily running schedule is: M - 3.1 run/2 walk; T - 5 run/1 walk; W - 3.1 run/2 walk; TH - 1 run/1 walk; F - long run; Sat. - 1 run/2-3 walk; Sun. - 1 run/1 walk. Thursday and Sunday are considered my "days off." Since I'm still doing this run streak, that means just a light mile jog.

And... that's about that.


"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise..."

- Ephesians 5:15

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