Monday, September 19, 2022

18 miles, b-side, rich

"Sometimes my life just don't make sense at all."

It was an emotional weekend. I realized this morning it isn't going to let up today...

If you're reading here on purpose I'm sure you realize the above line is from Rich Mullins's song Hold Me, Jesus. If you're here by accident... I'm sorry.

The weekend was actually really good. We got to keep the grandkids overnight Friday into Saturday. They're pretty funny to listen to, and they're pretty fun to be around.


Saturday I did my weekly "long run," and this week it was 18 miles. I averaged 11-minute miles and finished a little under 3 hours 20 minutes (including plenty of water/goo breaks). That's kind of a long time to be on your feet regardless. However, the time passes so much better when Jane rides her bike along with me. 

I wore my size 9 Brooks Ghosts. I keep going back and forth with these shoes. At one point I didn't think they'd be good for anything but wearing to work. I've worn them several times to run though and now they don't feel so bad. It's weird. I'm having such a hard time getting my shoes to cooperate with my feet this year.

Anyway, the run wasn't too bad. I went down Lower Huntington to Bluffton Rd and over to Foster Park. Went around it 1 1/2 times and back toward home on the greenway. I did that twice and just had to meander an extra half mile at the end to get the full 18. It helped that it was a nice day.


Saturday night we took in a show at The B-Side, which is this fabulously intimate venue that seats maybe 60 people in a hodgepodge of chairs. A friend owns it (and runs his business out of it), and he comped us tickets.

Cassie Beer was the opener. It was just her and an acoustic guitar - with no mic or anything! Oh my, her songs are so powerfully tender and she had me in tears from the get-go. She is an early-morning patron of the Y where I work, and as I said on Facebook, "Her 5am smile can change the world and her music will melt your heart." It was a beautiful 30-minute set.


David Wax Museum (or, in this case, David and Suz) were the headliner. We had listened/watched a virtual show they did from their living room a year or two ago. While it was very homey (in a good way), it was equally intimate here, but a whole lot better!! They magically wove story and song through a variety of instruments and it was just... a superb night. I was so full.

 So, from a long ragged run on wobbly legs, to the joy of finishing 18 miles, to ending the evening on such a swell high... I can't even describe how I felt. The only drawback was I ended up downing an entire bottle of wine (and a beer) and I'm sure I was stupid drunk and annoying to others. Fortunately Jane drove home, and we lived to tell about it!


Of course then this morning I was reminded this is the 25th anniversary of the passing of Rich Mullins. I don't even know what to say about that. If you're not familiar with him then you probably can't understand how deeply he influenced my life. I did stumble across this piece by Jeremy Kaszus that speaks to a lot of how I feel.

And... that's about all there is to say about all that. It was a stupid good time this weekend, though not void of regrets. That's probably a decent summation of my life. Maybe someone will say that about me at my funeral someday...


John 3:16-17

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him"


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