Monday, November 13, 2023

Dog bite incident

It was a beautiful day for a jog along the river greenway Saturday. "Oh, look at that interesting looking dog." Snap! "&*%#$*@!!!" 

I had my first dog-bite incident as a runner. Oh, I was bit a number of times as a child. That was different because my dad always had hunting dogs and it was somehow always my fault because I was doing something I wasn't supposed to do (or so the story would go).

Anyway, Jane and I were doing a nice easy 4-mile run Saturday. It was a near-perfect day. We were just past the apartments by the Airport Expressway bridge and a lady was walking along with a dog. It was a bit odd looking with short legs kind of like a basset hound, but was at least mostly pit bull. It was solidly built, to say the least, and she had it on a choke collar. We were coming up behind them, and the lady had just turned around and looked at us, yet when we veered to the other side to pass on the left she let it get enough away from her that the dog jumped on me and bit me on the right hip. I said some choice cuss words, and the lady said she was sorry and immediately turned around and started the opposite direction (likely toward her apartment). 

As you can see from the pic it just scraped and bruised the skin but fortunately did not puncture. I was really glad it went after me instead of Jane, and that it got me on a place with some fat instead of muscle.


At any rate, it could have been a lot worse and I'm grateful it wasn't. Even though it was a bit sore we were still able to finish our run (we didn't have much choice since were were about 2 miles from home). However it did not do much for my (lack of) love for dogs. Certainly I don't hate all dogs, but maybe because of the number of times I've been bitten or snapped at (which were NOT all my fault), I have never trusted dogs and I doubt I ever will.

1 comment:

Whisky Prajer said...

One of these days it will bite a lawyer, and that will be the end of the stry.