Friday, February 09, 2024

Five things friday

I know you've been holding your breath all week waiting to see what five things popped up in my head today...

  1. I/we have really been getting into reruns of the TV show M*A*S*H lately. What an incredible show. It was set during the Korean War and aired from September 1972 until February 28, 1983.
  2. During an episode last night, where they asked the characters who their heroes were, the thought hit me: Can we even have heroes anymore? I mean, in this cancel-culture age where social media and 24-hour news cycles allow us to see and hear things about people no one has any business seeing/hearing (or do we?) is it possible to esteem anyone? All those 'heroes of old' would certainly be revealed as 'less than we thought' if we had access to every mistake or lapse in judgment the way we do today. Or maybe it's something about how much more judgmental we've become in general. I don't know. 
  3. I also don't know how many pastors I talk with who are muddling through the hurt and disillusionment of ex-members/friends/staff who are trying to discredit them or the church. It's so sad. Yet, I've 'been there, done that' myself. We humans are strange creatures. Anyway, my heart really hurts for these people. Everyone knows "no one is perfect"... yet, when we get offended...
  4. I have often toyed with the idea of starting/managing a retreat center for pastors and people who need a break or re-centering or whatever you want to call it (or whatever it is they may need). I've no clue how to do this, but I want to keep this alive in my mind. There's got to be something...
  5. Personally, I'm often haunted by things I said or did when I was a pastor. Man was I stupid. Probably still am(are?). I often wonder if my kids think I still think like I used to. I hope they know I've changed, and continue to discover things everyday that I did wrong or was mistaken about. One thing I feel like I'm learning all over again is that God's mercies are indeed new every morning... and I haven't even skimmed the surface yet.

Blessings, friends. I want you to know I truly do appreciate the handful of you who take time to stop by here occasionally. I don't know who most of you are (other than the two or three who have told me so), but you make a difference. Thanks.


Jane said...

Thank you for all your thoughts and learnings and wonderings...

Whisky Prajer said...

Keep it up, Dan-o!

dan said...

I appreciate you both (though one of you just a little more ;)), and thank you for sharing!