It seems that as soon as I start to think I understand what the 'emerging church' is... I come to realize I don't have a clue. So the past couple days I've been trying to read a lot about it and think about it. What is the emerging church?
I say this as not an expert at all, so please don't read it like I am (kinda naive of me to think someone is reading this, I guess). Anyway, these are just my thoughts.
The two words that come to mind are: reaction and identity. And I am not saying this is what it means to ALL people, but this seems to be what it means to a lot of people.
Every generation, and even pockets within each of those generations, need to rebel against the previous. maybe 'rebel' isn't the best word, but we 'react' to the previous generation, or to those around us that we 'don't want to be like.' It has been happening since the beginning of time - Adam and Eve, even. And I think a lot of people with a church background call themselves emergent because they don't want to be like the church health movement, or church growth movement, or seeker sensitive movement, and on and on. So for these people, the emergent church is another "movement" in a succession of movements throughout church history. In this sense it's not so much a 'reaction to post-modernism' as it is a 'reaction to modernism'.
As a 'reaction', the emerging church can take on many shapes and forms. It is not going to be the same thing to everyone. It defies age, culture, theology, and philosophy.
I believe that for many people the emerging church has become more of an 'identity.' Even if it is also a reaction. In this sense it would be more of a 'reaction to post-modernism. It's a label. And as much as so many post-modern's say they don't like labels, or as many emergents say they can't be labeled... I believe that is the label they want to identify with.
Again, it means different things to different people. For some, emergent is a young person's movement. For some it's a 'way of thinking/living/doing church/doing life.' For some it is what seperates them from those Christ-followers they don't necessarily want to associate with. It's like a tattoo, or a brand.
And it's kinda funny... my son made an observation yesterday about it... Some people don't like that the emerging church is gaining in popularity. Probably the same people who don't want it to be defined. Because then it's kinda like an 'Indie band' that someone happened onto, and they are such a cool band mostly because no one else seems to know about them. But then when they start to gain popularity... they're no longer "cool." For these people, the emerging church is just the latest trend. It's a form of 'identity.'
Anyway, I say all that, because this morning I happened on a definition of the emerging church that I really like. And it's from 1970! I saw this on Andrew Jones' blog; it's from Larson, Osborne: "Wherever there are a few individuals willing and ready to be Christ's people in their own situation and place, there the emerging Church is coming into its own."
Hmm. I like that. Simple, yet profound. Defined with no borders. I think that will be my definition for now. I want to emerge. I want to be Christ's person in the situation I am in; the place I am in. And I hope others will join me. I think they have.
Good day. Peace... and revolution!
I discovered your blog as I was interested to learn more about this "emerging church". I saw a segment on it on either 20 /20 or some show like that this past week, and I was a bit concerned by some of what I heard and saw... The Word didn't seem to be used, just a lot of singing, candles, etc., which my Pastor has said before, sometimes the music will be so awesome you'll get caught up in the emotion and think that's the Spirit of God moving when in fact it's hype. I found an article shortly after the show by David Wilkerson of Times Square Church in NYC. You can view his thoughts at and click on his pulpit series newsletter November 7, 2005. Sorry to ramble in your comment section... God Bless...
Debbie (that is my sister's name too),
Thanks for the comment. There has been some debate about the segment about the emerging church on Nightline last week. Many who refer to themselves as 'emergent' feel it did quite a disservice, becuase it didn't really show what the emergent church is about. The things they focused on - like the music, the clothes people wore, etc. - aren't good examples. So, don't be too quick to judge the book by it's cover so-to-speak.
I hope my post doens't look like I am against things 'emergent', because I am not. I think the emergent church is mostly some people who are seriously wanting to follow Jesus and glorify God, but they're not afraid to ask questions and look at things from different perspectives (to get at the truth).
Anyway, God bless YOU in your search!
I guess I'm just a bit skeptical of "new religions" or I guess actually my concern is it seems this movement is looking for a way to not have to really answer to anyone... and all throughout the book of Peter it speaks of this. Seems people don't want to hear about truth anymore, just want feel good ear tickling. I just see this as stuff warned about in the last days... and I personally believe we are in them! What denomination is the church you're a Pastor at? Have a great day...
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