We got there sometime around 3 pm Friday. We just hung out, had supper, and opened presents. We each got a pair of pajamas, and I got an emergency kit for the trunk and Jane got a tool kit for the house. Saturday we went to see Jane's neice's new house and visited with them a bit. Then Saturday night we went to Tiskilwa with Jane's brother and his wife and had chicken at one of the little places there. Sunday we went to the 8:15 service at BH, and visited with some people afterward for awhile. Then we headed back to Indiana.
Carrie, Drew, Robin, and Jim were in charge of things at church. Carrie did announcements and the readings, Drew and Robin did the music, Jim did the offering and prayer. They showed the Henri Nouwen video (yes, vhs, actually) on "Being The Beloved." They used the midi disk in the keyboard for music. We also borrowed some chairs from ZUB to give a taste of what pew chairs would be like in the back.
The weather was good the entire trip. For the most part the sun was shining; but it was a bit cold. It was -10F Sunday morning. But it at least LOOKED nice when you were in the house or the car; and the wind never did blow. That made a big difference.
Here is a picture of the 39 acres we own. It's not good that there is still corn in it on January 1. I don't know if they will pick it yet, or if it's just a wasted crop this year. Bummer.

All in all it was a pretty good trip. These kind of visits always make me homesick. But it's always nice to get back home (to where our bed is) too. And it's a new year!
peace out; and in.
Brother, what I would give for -10F about now!
Glad your trip went well. Why wasn't the corn brought in before JANUARY!? Was it that wet this Fall?
Hey Brook. I certainly don't envy your 100 degree temps. I imagine that made Christmas a little different.
Yes, it was pretty wet in Illinois this year. And still is.
Stay cool, my friend.
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