Friday, June 14, 2024

Five things friday

After traveling the last two Fridays it's kind of nice to be home again this week. Although, for some reason I seem to have zero interest in reading emails and newsletters and things like that... So here's just some random stuff running through my sleepy brain this morning:

  1. It's sort of starting to sink in that... Maybe I don't really have anything to offer the world. What if I'm just supposed to ... be? I mean, all I've really been trying to do lately is maintain this measly little blog and... I don't even know if anyone reads it! And what if they don't? Does it matter? I don't think so. And I don't say that in a negative Danny Downer way... It's just like, "Here's another day: what shall we do?" Eh, who knows...
  2. Last night I wanted to go to opening night of Ribfest to hear the local band The Wailhounds. I like them and apparently they've been playing around Fort Wayne for 29 years now. There was a Van Halen tribute band playing after them and, while I listened to VH in high school, I wasn't that concerned with staying up late or anything. I thought we'd listen to a couple songs and head home. Then when we read they were all born in the 90s and 00s I really wasn't interested. However, the moment they powered onto the stage... whoa, boy, lookout!!! We ended up staying for the entire show! The 'David Lee Roth' character just turned 30 the day before (and is oldest in the band), and he does a SPOT ON DLR! Wow! He looks like him, sings like him, acts like him, and... that guy is in shape! He totally makes this band. And the drummer is only 16!!! If you liked Van Halen (during the DLR years especially) and get a chance to see JUMP: America's Van Halen Experience, you should go. Just check their website even.
  3. I've been reading David Fitch's book 'The Church of Us vs. Them: Freedom From A Faith That Feeds On Making Enemies.' I got it from him for $5 when he was in town. I wasn't overly excited about starting it but it was the only un-read book I had at the moment. I think it's really good though! 
  4. I didn't go to the Y to work out for a couple weeks (elbow soreness, laziness, etc.), but finally got back to it this week. You know, it really makes a difference for me. Mentally more than physically. I go to the one where I used to work, and still know most of the people there. I need to be around people now and then. And not just be around them, but TALK TO people now and then. That's something that matters.
  5. "Old and young, we are all on our last cruise." - Robert Louis Stevenson



Anonymous said...

I read them.

dan said...

Thank you, anonymous friend. :)

oncoffee said...

i read most of them

dan said...

Thank you, oncoffee!